Thursday, October 7, 2010

BROGA HILL - The Climb

Location: Broga Hill, Semenyih
GPS Co-or: N2 56.345 E101 54.088
Landmark: one university which lupa sudah the name :-)
Nottingham University laa..fren said :) thanks for mengingatkan...

(40 minutes from KL ..actually to add another 15mins for the 'sesat jalan')

Word of advice: dont ever forget to bring mineral water and mineral water...your cap, torch lite if the starting point before 5:00am but please forget the 'nasi lemak bungkus with the sambal sotong' for a while..

...and you are not alone...

Bukit Broga or Broga Hill is about 350 meter hi and can be hiked up in one hour time (plus half an hour extra for myself..yayy)
The interested party? the exact and suitable destination spot for Nature Photographer and for the city's people watch the sunrise (..crap! i missed it..), sunset, the green green grass and the landscaping.
here are some enjoy :)

the ekor kucing

when the wind blows...
..other names for Lalang 'alang-alang, 'cogon', 'wolly grass' and etc

spot the old man with the 'tongkat'

 the nice 'lalang

 ...and rasanya sudah cukup with the photos and for you guys to experience it sendiri, do visit Broga Hill-such a great experience :)

"We measure our reality according to our experience. As our experience expands, our reality is also altered."
(by Chin-Ning Chu)

p/s Did i mentioned about the parking lot? oh! dont worry about your vehicle-a parking space with RM3.00 per vehicle - next to the entrance of Broga Hill-just enjoy the nature!!